About Us
All of our business today started with either an original 3 or 5 year contract. When we start a project and get a new customer we like to keep them for the long run. We deal with large NYSE customers and small Mom and Pop feed stores and we try to provide the level of service that they all want and need in a professional manner.
We try to tailor make each project to take care of all of the customer’s needs and adjust to the changing climate as our customer has to adjust.
When we started 13 years ago I had experience operating a trucking company and loading unit trains with wheat but no experience in packaging and warehousing.
Our business’s (PackagePros, Inc., Dakota Packaging, Inc. and Utah Packaging, Inc.) have seen a lot of change and we have adapted to them. As IMC merged with Cargill to form Mosaic and pricing in the Animal Feed and Fertilizer business as gone way up and way down, as transportations models have changed with fuel prices so have ocean vessel prices, rail prices and trucking prices.
With these changes we sold our facility in FL because Mosaic no longer exported bagged product.
In New Mexico we do most of our packaging directly for Mosaic and Intrepid Customers instead of directly for Mosaic. This is partly a change in management and partly a change in labeling laws and requirements that make it more efficient for us to deal directly with the end user and take a lot of regulatory pressure off Mosaic. UPI has added on to its services as the fuel and economy has forced changes in GSL’s operations but we still continue to do the core job they hired us to do which is package, store and ship their product.